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The Friendly Yeti: Fourteen Reasons They’re Not Abominable

Download audioIn a faraway snowy land, hidden behind a curtain of swirling snowflakes, lived a group of friendly yetis. Despite the scary nickname ‘abominable,’ these gentle giants were anything but. Here are fourteen reasons why this name is completely wrong: 1. Yetis have the warmest smiles that could melt even the coldest ice. 2. They …

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Yetiernes Hemmelige Børneliv

Download audioI det sneklædte og mystiske Himalayabjergene boede en flok velopdragne yetier. Selvom de virkede så forskellige fra børn, havde de faktisk 14 ting til fælles, som ikke mange kendte til. For det første elskede yetibørnene at lege gemmeleg i sneen, præcis som menneskebørn gør. De kunne le gemme sig bag isklumper og hoppe frem …

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Eventyret i Far’s Bil

Download audioI Bilby boede en dreng ved navn Emil, som elskede fredage mere end noget andet. På fredage, når han skulle hjem fra Skoleland, kørte han i en magisk bil – hans fars bil! Den var ikke som noget andet køretøj, for den kunne spille musik så højt, at skyerne dansede med. Emil og hans …

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Yuki the Christmas Yeti

Far off in the snowy peaks where the wind whispers secrets, lives Yuki, the Christmas Yeti. Now, many folks might have heard of the Yeti as the abominable snowman, but that’s a rather misleading name. Yuki is nothing of such; he’s friendly, fluffy, and has a heart as warm as a cup of cocoa. Every …

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The Tidy-Up Tango

Download audioOnce upon a time, in a cozy theater, the Muppets had a zany idea. They decided to hold a competition not for the cleanest room, but for the messiest room of them all! They giggled and chuckled as they tossed pillows and plushies around, creating towers of toys and cascades of colorful chaos in …

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