Ticky the Time-Telling Turtle

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In the colorful valley of Ticktock Town, there lived a wise old turtle named Ticky. Ticky wasn’t just any turtle; he had the magical ability to tell the time without looking at a clock! All the animals in the valley came to Ticky when they wanted to know if it was time to wake up, play, or go to bed. One sunny morning, Benny the bunny hopped over to Ticky, looking worried. ‘Ticky,’ he said, ‘I never get to do all the fun things I want. How do you manage time so well?’ Ticky smiled and replied, ‘The secret, my little friend, is knowing what is important and not trying to do too many things at once.’ Benny’s ears perked up as Ticky continued, ‘Every morning, I make a little list of things I want to do. Then, I decide what needs to be done first, second, and last. By doing one thing at a time, I never feel rushed, and everything gets done!’ Benny thought that was a great idea. ‘But what if I forget what to do next?’ he asked. ‘You can check your list,’ advised Ticky. ‘It’s like a map for your day!’ From that day on, Benny followed Ticky’s wise words. He made a list every morning, and soon, he was playing with his friends, helping his mom, and still had time for himself. Benny had learned that by managing his time well, he could do all the things that made him happy. All the animals in Ticktock Town now make little lists and thank Ticky, the time-telling turtle, for his timeless advice. And the valley was always filled with laughter and joy because no one was ever too busy anymore.

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